Shuttor Photo Frame

Shuttor handcrafted photo frame is a unique and personalized piece of art that adds a touch of creativity and charm to the display of your cherished memories. Handcrafting involves skilled artisans or crafters meticulously creating each frame, resulting in one-of-a-kind designs.



- Sturdy Construction: The frame is constructed using durable and high-quality materials, ensuring that it can withstand vibrations and movement without compromising its structural integrity.

- Shock Absorption: The photo frame incorporates special padding or cushioning materials, such as foam or rubber, around the edges or back to absorb vibrations and shocks, preventing them from transferring to the enclosed photograph or artwork.

- Anti-Slip Backing: The frame may have an anti-slip backing or feet that provide stability and prevent it from sliding or moving on smooth surfaces. This ensures that the frame remains firmly in place, reducing the risk of vibrations.


Moisture Resistance, Non-Split, Non-deformation

- Moisture Resistance: The frame is constructed using materials that repel moisture, preventing water or humidity from seeping into the frame and causing damage to the photograph or artwork inside. This feature ensures that your cherished memories remain safe and intact, even in areas with high humidity levels, such as bathrooms or coastal regions.

- Non-Split Design: The frame is engineered to resist splitting or cracking, even when subjected to changes in temperature or humidity. This prevents any unsightly splits or damage to the frame's structure, keeping it aesthetically pleasing and preserving its longevity.

- Non-Deformation: The frame is designed to maintain its shape and structure over time, even when exposed to varying environmental conditions. This prevents warping or bending, ensuring that the photo or artwork remains properly displayed without any distortion.


Home Decor

Shuttor's Handcrafted photo frames are often made from natural materials like wood, bamboo, rattan, seashells, or even recycled materials. The use of these materials adds an organic and eco-friendly touch to the frame, enhancing its aesthetic appeal.

1 of 3
  • A1

    - 594 x 841mm

    - 23.4 x 33.1 inches

    - The wooden frame protrudes 2cm and 2cm thick

  • A2

    - 420 x 594mm

    - 16.5 x 23.4 inches

    - The wooden frame protrudes 2cm and 2cm thick

  • A3

    - 297 x 420mm

    - 11.7 x 16.5 inches

    - The wooden frame protrudes 2cm and 2cm thick

  • A4

    - 210 x 297mm

    - 8.3 x 11.7inches

    - The wooden frame protrudes 2cm and 2cm thick

All Wooden Photo Frames